Damaged deliveries are blamed on potholes

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Potholes are becoming a common sight all over Britain with a bump or lump on most journeys you go on. So as you can imagine delivery drivers face this problem everyday which can sometimes result in breakages to their goods, any goods that aren’t tied down properly could be broken by the jolt of a pothole.

In the event of this happening delivery drivers tend to come to people’s door and explain how their deliveries are broken. Electronic goods, such as laptops and mobiles are the most common of damages.

Almost a third of the 1,829 adults surveyed said they had received damaged goods after shopping online.

Products that suffer the most with damages

  1. Portable electronic devices (Laptops, tablet devices, mobile phones)
  2. Glass home ware (Glass, mirrors, lamps)
  3. Crockery (plates, bowls Tupper ware)
  4. Television screens and computer monitors
  5. Wooden furniture (tables, chairs, desks)

Companies have said that their packaging scheme should be altered to prevent the risk of breakages because of the potholes, and the way the goods are delivered should be re-thought.

For any further enquiries regarding your courier insurance call our courier service team on 01270 506988. We are always happy to help!

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